Master the regulation of genes, pathways and diseases

OUR Partners:



Most Comprehensive Database

TRANSFAC stands as the pioneering and most comprehensive database on eukaryotic transcription factors, their genomic binding sites, and DNA binding profiles.

35 years of curation and maintenance

Once established over 35 years ago, TRANSFAC has been diligently maintained and manually curated ever since.

Tens of millions of genomic binding sites

TRANSFAC contains the biggest collection of tens of millions of TF binding sites in genomes of eukaryotic organisms curated from original publication and high-throughput experiments.

Over 10,000 DNA binding patterns

The biggest library of over 10,000 DNA binding patterns in the format of positional weight matrices (PWMs) is derived from this rich data.

MATCH suite: Powerful AI-supported tools for scanning genomes for TFBS enrichment

MATCH suite provides easy web GUI and gives powerful tools for scanning genomes for TF binding sites and for discovering site enrichment and site combinatorial modules using AI and machine learning.


TRANSPATH: Signal transduction network of more than 1.200.000 reactions

TFs are connected to a network of more than one million two hundreds of signal transduction and metabolic reactions extracted from original scientific literature and evaluated by experts.

PathFinder: SBGN empowered pathway and network visualization

PathFinder provides powerful tools for visualization, exploration and modeling of pathways and networks using systems biology graphic notation (SBGN) standards.

Unique algorithm to find master-regulators

Master-regulators are discovered by the “upstream analysis” that integrates uniquely promoter and pathway analysis using graph search and genetic algorithms.


HumanPSD: Biggest collection of more than 140.000 disease biomarkers

Manually curated collection of more than 140.000 gene to disease associations as correlative, casual and disease mechanisms biomarkers and drug targets.

Reconstruction of disease molecular mechanisms based on the upstream analysis

Combining upstream analysis approach and disease and pathway information allows to reconstruct disease mechanisms and find novel drug targets.

Genome Enhancer: Automatic multi-omics analysis pipeline with easy web GUI

Genome Enhancer provides an automatic pipeline for processing of multi-omics raw disease sample data identifies prospective drug targets and prioritizes treatments potentially effective in clinic.

No bioinformatics skills needed

What Sets TRANSFAC Apart?

Widely accepted gold standard of transcriptional regulation

  • Originated in 1998 year
  • Carefully collected and maintained
  • Manually curated
  • worldwide exclusive distributor of TRANSFAC
  • the most comprehensive database on Eukaryotic transcription factors
  • 10,000,000s genomic binding sites
  • 9,000+ DNA binding patterns
  • scan DNA sequences for potential transcription factor binding sites
  • reveal the basic gene regulatory mechanisms
  • put in biological context
  • Originated in 1998 year
  • Carefully collected and maintained
  • Manually curated
  • worldwide exclusive distributor of TRANSFAC
  • the most comprehensive database on Eukaryotic transcription factors
  • 10,000,000s genomic binding sites
  • 9,000+ DNA binding patterns
  • scan DNA sequences for potential transcription factor binding sites
  • reveal the basic gene regulatory mechanisms
  • put in biological context

Other Products

PASS family of chemo-informatics tools

Master the chemical compounds and find drugs

PASS (Prediction of Activity Spectra for Substances) predicts biological activity for chemical compounds using SAR/QSAR approach. Predictable biological activities consist of over 4,000 terms including pharmacotherapeutic effects, biochemical mechanisms, toxicity, metabolic effect etc.

PASS prediction is based on the knowledge base about structure-activity relationships for more than 1,000,000 compounds with known biological activities. 

Average accuracy of prediction for the whole PASS training set is about 96%.

PharmaExpert analyzes the relationships between biological activities, drug-drug interactions and multiple targeting of chemical compounds. PharmaExpert provides a tool for selecting compounds with a pre-defined biological activity profile including desirable pharmacotherapeutic effects and biochemical mechanisms but excluding undesirable adverse and toxic effects.

GUSAR (General Unrestricted Structure-Activity Relationships) is a tool to create models on quantitative structure-activity (structure-property) relationships. GUSAR enables construction of highly specific models based on own data sets.

Buy chemo-informatic tools

BRENDA is the most comprehensive information repository on enzymes and enzyme ligand data. The BRENDA enzyme information system has developed into an elaborate system of enzyme and enzyme-ligand information obtained from different sources, combined with flexible query systems and evaluation tools.

Buy Brenda


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GeneXplain Academy

Not sure how to use TRANSFAC? We are here to guide you

  • Hands-on Trainings (free for our clients)
  • Find your gene regulatory pathways, biomarkers, and drug targets in a few clicks
  • For molecular biologists and clinical researchers
  • Hands-on Trainings (free for our clients)
  • Find your gene regulatory pathways, biomarkers, and drug targets in a few clicks
  • For molecular biologists and clinical researchers

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Because understanding life’s code is cooler than deciphering hieroglyphics!

We make genes dance to our bioinformatics tunes and find their secret party spots!

It’s like having a personal GenieXplain granting your health wishes with tailor-made solutions!

Oh, it’s a wild ride into the mysterious world of gene influencers and their backstage passes!

Imagine a genetic treasure hunt where each clue leads to a potential medical breakthrough – that’s us!