TRANSFAC® Basic; academic organization; single user (№211201)

TRANSFAC® Basic; academic organization; single user (№211201)

The basic version of TRANSFAC includes the core functionality of this renowned manually curated database of eukaryotic transcription factors, their genomic binding sites and DNA-binding profiles.

  • Predict transcription factor binding sites and their combinations on a genomic scale using the biggest collection of positional weight matrices (over 10,000) with in-built Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence methods.

  • Access the biggest knowledge base on transcription factors, their experimentally characterized binding sites and ChIP experiments, as well as genes regulated by them, their promoters, enhancers and silencers.

  • Enjoy the full range of abilities for promoter analysis addressing the needs of users with various backgrounds: from customized analysis pipelines intended for core bioinformaticians to fully automatized no-coding solutions for bench biologists and biomedical researchers.

  • Perform your multi-omics data analysis in the geneXplain platform integrated with TRANSFAC subscription (extra workspace can be purchased on demand).

What you will get

A comprehensive solution for gene regulation analysis covering more than 300 species, with a focus on human, mouse, rat, drosophila, zebrafish, yeast, and plants.

Access to the unique MATCH Suite tool for identification of transcription factors regulating the human gene(s) of your interest in the specified conditions.

Interactive search engine providing access to world’s largest manually curated encyclopedia of transcriptional regulation.

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